Power Charger Specialty Robusta
تحميص يوم
روبوستا مختصة بدون مرارة أو حمضية
مثالية للاسبريسو ومشروبات اللبن
Indian Kaapi Royale is one of India's finest washed robustas, considered specialty coffee, It is an A-grade coffee, meaning it is free from primary defects.
Kaapi Royale typically has a big body and a predominant spice and chocolate cup profile, without any bitter flavors you would expect in robusta
Origin: India
Area: Coorg, Chickmagalur
Variety: Peredinja, CXR, S274
Altitude:900 - 1100 mt
Process: Washed
Flavor notes: Chocolate, walnut, spices
Aftertaste: Caramel, spices
Sweetness: Little
Acidity: Neutral
Aroma: Intense with chocolate and floral notes
Body: Heavy, creamy
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قوام مظبوط وكريمي وكافيين عالي مع مرارة مقبولة
رائع مع اللبن ، الطعم مظبوط